This image shows a black and white drawing of a woman with long white hair and a serious expression on her face. She is looking to the right, with a small smile on her lips. The image appears to be drawn in a sketchy, quick style, with few details and emphasis on the overall composition.

The woman’s hair is styled in loose, wavy waves that frame her face and fall over her shoulders. Her features are somewhat indistinct, but she has a small smile on her lips and her eyes are large and almond-shaped. Her nose is small and straight, and her cheeks are slightly puffed out. The woman is wearing a simple, white blouse with a large collar and no sleeves. The drawing is done in ink, with a thin, sketchy style.

The overall effect of the image is one of a somewhat sad, introspective woman, with a touch of melancholy in her expression. The drawing is quick and sketchy, but it captures the essence of the woman’s mood.

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